Petition Against the Unjust Death Sentence Against Sharifeh Mohammadi

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We, the undersigned, are gravely concerned and outraged by the death sentence issued against Sharifeh Mohammadi, an independent labor and women's rights activist, by Branch 1 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Rasht. The baseless and unjust death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammadi has been issued on the false charge of "Baghi," (rebellion), meaning "organized and armed action against the entirety of the regime."

However, Sharifeh has no membership in any armed organization or political organization or entity. This sentence is a gross miscarriage of justice. Sharifeh is a mother, worker, civil activist, and mountaineer from Azerbaijan residing in Giulan province.
Ridiculous and baseless accusations have been fabricated against Sharifeh, and her civil activities have been unjustly criminalized to silence peaceful dissent. It is important to emphasize that the labor organization that Sharifeh was a member of thirteen years ago (the Coordination Committee to Help to Form Workers' Organizations) is a public, civil, labor, legal, and independent organization from political parties and entities inside and outside the country

We, the undersigned, demand:
1. The immediate annulment of the death sentence and the unconditional release of Sharifeh Mohammadi.

2. Efforts towards the release of other political prisoners and special attention from all international activists and organizations to the widespread human rights violations in Iran and mobilization of serious actions in this regard

July 11, 2024 - Tir 21, 1403
Composing and publishing the petition by: 
“The Campaign to Defend Sharifeh Mohammadi” (comprising of Sharifeh’s family members)